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Journey Outside of the Rut

Sometimes this is easier said than done. We all like to 'Journey Outside of the Rut' all day everyday, 365/24 hours 7 days a week, but we know that life itself will not always allow it. After all, we all deal with life issues, challenges, changes and struggles that make us feel down in the dumps. WOW! Right now I'm thinking out loud (challenges with people, traffic, family, friends, jobs, co-workers, death, and the beat goes on). What is a rut? A fixed or established mode of procedure or course of life, usually dull or unpromising. ( This is why it is imperative that we learn how to 'Journey Outside of the Rut'. Who wants a dull and unpromising course in life? (I know I don't and I hope you don't either).

There's an old saying that goes, "where there is a will, there is a way". Be willing to do what it takes to change your lifestyle for a more productive and vibrant life. Some of us have probably heard this a thousand times before, but we all have to learn how to live our lives without getting into a rut or remaining in one. Come with me for a moment or two and let's look into the possibilities of making this title an integral part of our lives. Let me encourage you and give you hope and wisdom for a better future.

Every now and then life throws us all a curve ball, like a virus ( if you know what I mean) and we have to learn how to be resilient. We don't want to have the "I fell and I can't get up" mentality. We need to spend time researching and learning how to change our future. Don't be the type of person that will allow the (we will call it a 'rut' in this article) rut distract you and hold you captive, making you feel like you have to accept a dull and unpromising future (liar, can add the rest, lol!). There is a place for you because you have been created for such a time as this. Don't settle for a mediocre lifestyle, come up out of the rut and live jubilantly and intentionally. Have joy and inspire yourself to push forward. Growing and learning new exciting things will produce a better future. Start with a new hobby if need be, but don't sit around in a rut. Especially don't fall for the self pity/condemnation mentality.

You have to make life better for yourself. Don't wait for someone else to

cheerlead you on, you do it.

Our lives can be whatever we want and are determined to make it into. No, I'm not ignoring trauma issues and other people's bad behavior that may have caused us hardships in the past, but we have to learn to forgive and move on for our own benefit. And we will have to leave some things behind in order to have better things (and that can sometimes include people). Whatever you need to do to 'Journey Outside of the Rut' do it for your own good. You cannot help others until you first help yourself. Somebody needs you to step into your dream in life. The rut can lead to depression, suppression, and oppression if you allow it. It carries endless possibilities of all kinds of failures. Get out by telling yourself "I'm not living like this any more." Put on your big girl pull-ups and explore your capabilities. It will do you a world of good. Start looking into some new and fresh things to get involved in (hint: Women of Wisdom, Inc.) and use wisdom as your guide and you will not fail.

The world is waiting on you to enter into your possibilities and they may even seem small to you, but to someone else you are just what they need. Sometimes it just takes time and patience and a little 'elbow grease', so to speak. You can change your life by believing in yourself. You have what it takes and you always have-- you just need to believe that. Start that new job, go after that promotion, be an entrepreneur-- there are endless possibilities and don't give up if you fall. Get up, brush yourself off, add that fall as a lesson learned, get the wisdom out of it and go at it again. Remember inventors (Thomas Edison, Lonnie Johnson, Ellen Eglin) failed many times and made world changing discoveries.

Words of wisdom from Warren Buffet, "The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole (rut) is to stop digging." I added 'rut' of course for the sake of the article. lol!

Well we will end it like this, "eat the hay and throw away the sticks" and 'Journey Outside of the Rut'. Let wisdom lead you into an enjoyable and fulfilled life. Encourage yourself because people will not always root for you to win, but no one can stop you from rooting for yourself. You can do it, my WOW friend. And know this: I'm rooting for you!


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